Author: nathanbw
Back in Auburn
I got back to Auburn last week, and from the outside perspective, I believe my life got a lot more boring, hence the lack of updates ;-) I’ve been spending my time cleaning my apartment and getting ready for a few days travel before my trip to Mexico. I’ll be leaving for Mexico on the…
The Acting Corps
Here’s a picture I took of the Acting Corps, where I’ve been in class every weekday for the past month: Here are all the talented people who were in my class. I love you guys! Left to right: (Top Row: Mary, Brad, Rufus, Brenton, Me) (Middle Row: Candice, Megan, Menno, Rachel) (Bottom Row: Ghaea, Mike,…
Weekend Plans
Today I was restless staying at the house, so I took the train downtown. I walked around a bit and grabbed a slice of pizza, then headed back to North Hollywood to go to Mass. I went to the Saturday Vigil Mass today because tomorrow I plan on going to the beach in the morning.…
Out on the town
This Sunday and Monday, I finally made it out to see some of the tourist spots. Sunday, I took the Metro to the Hollywood Blvd/Highland Ave stop. As I was riding the escalator to street level, I heard loud music playing. Turns out a local B-Boy crew was laying it down on the Walk of…
Feelin’ Good
On Thursday I went to take a nap at 5:30 PM and ended up sleeping until 3:00 AM. I then stayed up all through Friday, which was a tough day, as we did the scenes we’ve been working on all week at the Acting Corps. Last night I actually got some sleep, so today I’m…
You might have noticed that the logo in the top left-hand corner of the page has changed. The little guy in my logo is a fiyapop. Fiyapops are industrious characters who hold interesting jobs such as: Trumpet Playa! Radio D-Jay! House Painta! Go-Kart Race-a! I created these guys one day after a conversation with my…
Model Material
I went to Mass on Sunday at St. Patrick’s again, and as I was leaving, I was approached by this lady who asked if I had three hours to spare in the afternoon, “for a modeling job. You see, I need a white guy, and you’re whi–you have that light-skinned complexion.” I really was the…
Today I got my hair cut, and since I thought it looked good, I took a picture of it: I took this picture right before I got on my bike for the ride home. I also decided to take the opportunity to get pictures of my bike before I rode home. I got some interesting…
I finally made it to the store and got a memory card for my camera. Here are the pictures I took on my flight to LA: I plan on taking more pictures in the day to come. I’m still getting over this freakin’ cold which is making me tired.
First Day of Class
Today I had my first class at the Acting Corps. The class was good and I’m excited about the weeks to come. I do have a cold, though, and last night I didn’t get much sleep due to sore throat, so I was pretty tired through the whole class. I hope I can get over…